Saturday, November 15, 2008

Theory of BT-X Fuel Saver 環保節油器的技術原理

Applied 46.4 nanometer technique to make use of rare natural mineral stone element to extract to nanometer grade (such as SiO2 and Fe2Fe3C15, etc), and then combine with precision biochemistry ceramic to burn at temperature as high as 1,2000C. It has also utilized PHOTOCATALYST synthetic radiation technique to allow the energy to accumulate in stable and durable character

Adopt the heat transmitting reaction and able to release “universal natural energy” for average radiation rate 91.4%, vibration frequency 299,000 times/second (such technical principle is different from far infrared technique).

[奈米能量科技元件] 節油器,為世界首創46.4奈米之技術研發成功,其元件原理及技術是利用數十種稀有天然礦物萃取之元素(如:SiO2及Fe2Fe3C15等…),並結合精密生化陶瓷(Bio Ceramic)經1,2000C高溫燒製而成。
