Monday, September 15, 2008

4. Basic concept for car fuel saving test : 4. 車子節油測試基本概念

A). Proceed with the test under the same condition;
B). The fuel saving rate varies due to different car models, ages, speeds, conditions and road conditions.
C). The allowance is smaller at the same section of highway to or from at a speed of 100 Kin/hr.
D). The allowance is smaller on highway at a speed of 100 Km/hr. but do not set the speed.
E). In downtown, due to the traffic light and traffic jam, the allowance will be bigger, which is not recommended.
F). New car has less carbon accumulation and new mechanism, the fuel saving rate will be lower.
G). New car must use fuel saver to prevent carbon from accumulating, keep a smooth fuel loop, maintain mechanism normal operation, which not only may save maintenance cost, but also may delay the mechanism aging and extend the service life.

A. 應在同一條件的情況下進行測試。
B. 因車種、車齡、車速、車況、路況不同,節油率會有所差距。
C. 約100公里同路段高速公路【往】【返】誤差較小。
D. 行駛高速公路以時速1百公里的車速誤差小,但不可以定速。
E. 市區內測試因紅綠燈、堵車等因素誤差會大,不建議使用。
F. 新車因積碳少、機件新、節油率會稍低。
G. 新車一定要使用節油器,預防積碳、保持油管暢通、機件運作正常、不但可以節省維修費,更能使機件減緩老化、增長壽命。