Monday, September 15, 2008

Q1 : What is the manufacturing process of the “BT-X Fuel Saver” ? 問1:【BT-X環保節油器】製作過程為何?

Answer 1: It has combined more than 10 kinds of rare natural mineral stone and mineral elements to make use of high technology to extract until nanometer is attained, and then end product is gotten after burnt at temperature as high as 1,2000C. This product has stable quality and is radiated with very high energy. Besides, it has made use of the synthetic radiation technique of PHOTOCATALYST to focus the energy and make it stable and durable. The principle of such technique is different from general far infrared technical principle.

答1:『BT-X環保節油器』主要成份如SiO2 (二氧化矽)及Fe2Fe3C15等結合數十種稀有天然礦石礦物元素,利用高科技萃取至奈米級(首创46.4納米技术,經臺灣工研院及國防部中科院等單位檢測都有相當好的效果),經1,200℃高溫燒却而成,再利用光和電的合成放射技術讓能量聚集,品質穩定能放射極高的能量而且持久,能使油分子微細化、提高油分子燃點、提升汽油燃燒率。